Preziosa Show Team

Our Journey
I have wanted to show for years, however the unpredictability of seasons and puppies has made this near on impossible! With our own dogs and their schedules coming first, add in the children and, well you can imagine!
ENTER STAGE LEFT - CHARLOTTE, the amazing friend we didn't know we were missing, in our lives - until she plonked herself right smack bang in the middle of the chaos, and not only accepted it, but embraced it!
Charlotte is just the woman for the challenge and is now a co-owner, and the lead for our show gang!
When we can, Chloe and I will join her, to enable as many of the dogs to participate as possible.
We are only at the beginning but, as anyone will tell you - we never do anything by halves and Todd and Sybil qualified for Crufts 2024 at their second show, with Todd then placing 3rd in his class.
This year we have Queenie, Todd and Sybil qualified for Crufts 2025!
You can read the teams updates for shows attended, below - Louise x

Co-owner + Show Team Lead

A bit about Charlotte.....
Charlotte says.... "I was born dog obsessed, my Mum never allowed me to have one, so when I left home that was the first thing I did. Frank (my Spaniel) got me into showing, but he wasn’t up to scratch to show professionally. It’s always been my dream to qualify for Crufts. I first approached the Preziosa team in June 2021 when I was looking for a stud to put to my girl, Fig, Louise sent me her stud contract, thinking it’s length and strict guidelines would put me off, actually it was exactly what I was looking for. September 2022 was Wilf’s time to shine! I think we have spoken/messaged nearly every day since! One evening we discussed the possibility of me coming on board as a co-owner/show team lead. By the end of that week it was all in place! Sometimes in life we are lucky enough to cross paths with our soulmates, whether in the form of family, friends or lovers. I lost my friend soul mate in 2018, but I gained my second in 2021". Favourite things: Dogs, Disney, & Food Favourite Colour: Purple
Shows Attended and Results Dec 23
Wealdstone & Northolt ​ Sybil 1st, Post Graduate Sybil 2nd Special Yearling Sybil 2nd, Open ​ Todd 1st Post Graduate Todd 2nd Open ​ Charlottes Notes: Well what a day!!! We had a super early start but our journey to Sussex was smooth. Todd was first in the show ring, he was entered into ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’ classes for the smooth standards. He earned a 1st in post graduate and a second in the open. Being beaten in the open meant he couldn’t go on to compete for best of breed. Still a huge achievement for him, he went wonderful around the ring & stood lovely for the judge when being examined. Sybil was up next, she was entered into ‘special yearling’ ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’. She earned a second in special yearling, a first in post graduate and a further second in the open. She was full of beans in and out of the ring, she needs some work on her movement as struggles to keep a steady pace and gets distracted easily. She was also a bit wriggly during the judges examination. Still an amazing result for her for at only 1 years old! Again she was unable to compete in best of breed due to being beaten in two of her classes. Their first ever show - I'm Super proud of them.
Shows Attended and Results Jan 24
Wiveliscombe & District Canine society winter open show. 13.1.24 - 14.1.24 Another early start for the show team! Well, for the humans, Todd & Sybil slept for the two hour drive. We arrived in sunny Somerset just after 9am, after a quick comfort stop we were set up and ready to roll. This show was a two day event, the Dachshund’s being shown on the second day, we had decent numbers entered which is always good to see. Sybil was first up at this show, she was raring to go as always! Sybil thoroughly enjoys her time in the show rings, which is amazing, but she does need to learn to rein it in just a little. Her first class was ‘junior’ where she earned herself a respectable reserve award. Her second class was ‘graduate’ where again she earned a reserve award. Her last class was ‘open’ in which she earned a third. Very very proud of her! She’s progressing exceptionally well and is holding her own against some beautiful and seasoned show dogs. She is still maturing, she is only just over a year and every show she is learning more and more. Todd was up next, he was entered into two classes this time around. His first class was ‘graduate’ where he earned himself a second. His next class was ‘open’ where he earned a third. I was so very proud of Todd today, the hall was PACKED full of people and dogs. Todd can get a little nervous when it’s loud and busy but, like Sybil, he is improving with each show we attend. He held his own against some top show dogs and as always was a dream to move around the ring. All in all it was a lovely few hours at the show, the organisers and stewards did a wonderful job and the other entrants were lovely to talk to as always. Todd and Sybil now have a few weeks off from shows, they will be doing some training at home and with our show team member Jaime. We have also completed our entries for Crufts 2024 in March. We are super excited! See you again in February!
Shows attended and Results Feb 24
East Kent Canine Society Open Show 4/2/24 Today saw the Preziosa show team head to Kent. An early morning and long drive but we arrived just in time for Sybil & Hattie to enter their classes. Hattie was handled by Jaime today; Jaime has over 10 years experience in the ring and Hattie performed very well for her considering this was Hattie’s second ever show! Hattie earned herself a very commendable 3rd, Reserve & VHC. Well done Hattie, Keep up the hard work pretty girl! Sybil did very well today, a bit more experience for her. It was exceptionally loud and busy in the hall and Sybil did well to focus on what I was asking of her. She earned herself a 2nd, 3rd and reserve. Todd was last in the ring, he was his usual handsome & calm self. He moved beautifully and earned himself a 1st & 3rd in his classes. Thank you to the judges, stewards and organisers. Great turn out today! We’re now reserving our energy for Crufts 2024 on March 10th. See you there!
Crufts March 10th 2024 Sunday 10th March was Hound & Terrier day at Crufts. The biggest dog show in the world, held at Birmingham’s NEC. Todd & Sybil were there to strut their stuff in the hound group, after they both qualified in January at the Southern Dachshund Association’s Championship show. We travelled up the day before the show and then had a super early start on the Sunday. After finding our bench in the standard short-haired section we enjoyed a breakfast of Nutella crépes, bacon rolls and coffee. Sybil was first in the ring and entered into junior bitch, in a class of 16 she didn’t place but she performed beautifully for such a young girl - only 15months old! We were particularly proud of Sybil as she is our homebred, second generation girly. Todd was entered into post graduate dog, in a class of 6 he placed 3rd and has automatically qualified for Crufts 2025! To say we were over the moon is understatement, Todd moved well and was judged by Frank Kane, a world renowned judge and the voice of Cruft’s ‘best in show’ televised finalé. We celebrated by spending far too much money at the shopping stalls but the dogs (and us) are worth it! We had a thoroughly amazing day, made all the better by the support we received from other breeders/show teams, My brother & cousin and Louise’ eldest daughter Chloe, you were all invaluable! Finally a shout out to our show team Jaime, for her unwavering support, advice and all-round awesomeness! Our next show is the end of April, the goal for this year is qualifying Sybil & Hattie for Crufts next year as well as getting Todd’s champion title. Charlotte - Show team lead.
Shows Attended and Results April 24
20/4/24 Smooth haired dachshund club championship show - Coventry. Today was the earliest start for the show team to date, 4:30am ferry! We travelled to Coventry to attend the smooth haired dachshund championship show, it was a very well laid out and friendly show. Todd was in the ring first and entered into two classes, he moved beautifully and earned himself a reserve in ‘post graduate’ and a VHC in ‘open’. Sybil was entered into 3 classes, she was her usual confident self and although not placing in ‘junior’ she earned herself two reserves in both ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’. Very proud of her to earn placements in classes of 13 & 9 participants. All in all another fun filled show day, we caught up with friends and it stayed sunny for us! The show team will next be in the ring on 25th May at the Bath canine society championship show.
Shows Attended and Results June 24
6.6.24 Three Counties Championship Show Another super early start for the wonderful show team this morning, a long drive up to Malvern for the Three Counties Championship Show. The show was very well organised and Todd & Sybil enjoyed sharing a sausage bap for breakfast! Sybil was first in the ring and achieved a 3rd in Post Graduate, this means she is now CRUFTS QUALIFIED 2025!! She moved beautifully and I’m so proud of how much she has come on and how much she enjoys being in the ring. Todd was up next and achieved a 2nd in Post Graduate class and a 3rd in Open class. He was full of beans today and really enjoyed strutting his stuff around the ring! More wonderful results for our gorgeous standard stud boy!! Next show will be Windsor at the end of June!!!
Shows Attended and Results June 24
29.6.24 Windsor Championship dog show Today saw the show team head to the beautiful royal borough of Windsor, a fitting location to collect the newest member of the show team, Queenie. Todd was first in the ring and earned himself a very respectable 3rd & 4th place his two classes. Todd has been absolutely wonderful to show so far this year and has qualified himself multiple times for Crufts 2025, we are very excited to see what the future holds for this gorgeous boy! Between Todd & Sybil’s classes we had a good break to enjoy some shopping and sightseeing around the many stalls. We all enjoyed a lovely ice cream. Sybil didn’t place in her class this time but she is doing so well when in the rings, there is some very stiff competition in the mini world and she holds her own every time. All in all a lovely day spent in the sunshine and the added bonus of bringing home our newest show team addition from the wonderful Clare at Hampdach kennel. The show team now has a well earned rest for July before we attend more shows in August.
A bit about Charlotte.....
Charlotte says.... "I was born dog obsessed, my Mum never allowed me to have one, so when I left home that was the first thing I did. Frank (my Spaniel) got me into showing, but he wasn’t up to scratch to show professionally. It’s always been my dream to qualify for Crufts. I first approached the Preziosa team in June 2021 when I was looking for a stud to put to my girl, Fig, Louise sent me her stud contract, thinking it’s length and strict guidelines would put me off, actually it was exactly what I was looking for. September 2022 was Wilf’s time to shine! I think we have spoken/messaged nearly every day since! One evening we discussed the possibility of me coming on board as a co-owner/show team lead. By the end of that week it was all in place! Sometimes in life we are lucky enough to cross paths with our soulmates, whether in the form of family, friends or lovers. I lost my friend soul mate in 2018, but I gained my second in 2021". Favourite things: Dogs, Disney, & Food Favourite Colour: Purple
Shows Attended and Results Dec 23
Wealdstone & Northolt ​ Sybil 1st, Post Graduate Sybil 2nd Special Yearling Sybil 2nd, Open ​ Todd 1st Post Graduate Todd 2nd Open ​ Charlottes Notes: Well what a day!!! We had a super early start but our journey to Sussex was smooth. Todd was first in the show ring, he was entered into ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’ classes for the smooth standards. He earned a 1st in post graduate and a second in the open. Being beaten in the open meant he couldn’t go on to compete for best of breed. Still a huge achievement for him, he went wonderful around the ring & stood lovely for the judge when being examined. Sybil was up next, she was entered into ‘special yearling’ ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’. She earned a second in special yearling, a first in post graduate and a further second in the open. She was full of beans in and out of the ring, she needs some work on her movement as struggles to keep a steady pace and gets distracted easily. She was also a bit wriggly during the judges examination. Still an amazing result for her for at only 1 years old! Again she was unable to compete in best of breed due to being beaten in two of her classes. Their first ever show - I'm Super proud of them.
Shows Attended and Results Jan 24
Wiveliscombe & District Canine society winter open show. 13.1.24 - 14.1.24 Another early start for the show team! Well, for the humans, Todd & Sybil slept for the two hour drive. We arrived in sunny Somerset just after 9am, after a quick comfort stop we were set up and ready to roll. This show was a two day event, the Dachshund’s being shown on the second day, we had decent numbers entered which is always good to see. Sybil was first up at this show, she was raring to go as always! Sybil thoroughly enjoys her time in the show rings, which is amazing, but she does need to learn to rein it in just a little. Her first class was ‘junior’ where she earned herself a respectable reserve award. Her second class was ‘graduate’ where again she earned a reserve award. Her last class was ‘open’ in which she earned a third. Very very proud of her! She’s progressing exceptionally well and is holding her own against some beautiful and seasoned show dogs. She is still maturing, she is only just over a year and every show she is learning more and more. Todd was up next, he was entered into two classes this time around. His first class was ‘graduate’ where he earned himself a second. His next class was ‘open’ where he earned a third. I was so very proud of Todd today, the hall was PACKED full of people and dogs. Todd can get a little nervous when it’s loud and busy but, like Sybil, he is improving with each show we attend. He held his own against some top show dogs and as always was a dream to move around the ring. All in all it was a lovely few hours at the show, the organisers and stewards did a wonderful job and the other entrants were lovely to talk to as always. Todd and Sybil now have a few weeks off from shows, they will be doing some training at home and with our show team member Jaime. We have also completed our entries for Crufts 2024 in March. We are super excited! See you again in February!
Shows attended and Results Feb 24
East Kent Canine Society Open Show 4/2/24 Today saw the Preziosa show team head to Kent. An early morning and long drive but we arrived just in time for Sybil & Hattie to enter their classes. Hattie was handled by Jaime today; Jaime has over 10 years experience in the ring and Hattie performed very well for her considering this was Hattie’s second ever show! Hattie earned herself a very commendable 3rd, Reserve & VHC. Well done Hattie, Keep up the hard work pretty girl! Sybil did very well today, a bit more experience for her. It was exceptionally loud and busy in the hall and Sybil did well to focus on what I was asking of her. She earned herself a 2nd, 3rd and reserve. Todd was last in the ring, he was his usual handsome & calm self. He moved beautifully and earned himself a 1st & 3rd in his classes. Thank you to the judges, stewards and organisers. Great turn out today! We’re now reserving our energy for Crufts 2024 on March 10th. See you there!
Crufts March 10th 2024 Sunday 10th March was Hound & Terrier day at Crufts. The biggest dog show in the world, held at Birmingham’s NEC. Todd & Sybil were there to strut their stuff in the hound group, after they both qualified in January at the Southern Dachshund Association’s Championship show. We travelled up the day before the show and then had a super early start on the Sunday. After finding our bench in the standard short-haired section we enjoyed a breakfast of Nutella crépes, bacon rolls and coffee. Sybil was first in the ring and entered into junior bitch, in a class of 16 she didn’t place but she performed beautifully for such a young girl - only 15months old! We were particularly proud of Sybil as she is our homebred, second generation girly. Todd was entered into post graduate dog, in a class of 6 he placed 3rd and has automatically qualified for Crufts 2025! To say we were over the moon is understatement, Todd moved well and was judged by Frank Kane, a world renowned judge and the voice of Cruft’s ‘best in show’ televised finalé. We celebrated by spending far too much money at the shopping stalls but the dogs (and us) are worth it! We had a thoroughly amazing day, made all the better by the support we received from other breeders/show teams, My brother & cousin and Louise’ eldest daughter Chloe, you were all invaluable! Finally a shout out to our show team Jaime, for her unwavering support, advice and all-round awesomeness! Our next show is the end of April, the goal for this year is qualifying Sybil & Hattie for Crufts next year as well as getting Todd’s champion title. Charlotte - Show team lead.
Shows Attended and Results April 24
20/4/24 Smooth haired dachshund club championship show - Coventry. Today was the earliest start for the show team to date, 4:30am ferry! We travelled to Coventry to attend the smooth haired dachshund championship show, it was a very well laid out and friendly show. Todd was in the ring first and entered into two classes, he moved beautifully and earned himself a reserve in ‘post graduate’ and a VHC in ‘open’. Sybil was entered into 3 classes, she was her usual confident self and although not placing in ‘junior’ she earned herself two reserves in both ‘post graduate’ and ‘open’. Very proud of her to earn placements in classes of 13 & 9 participants. All in all another fun filled show day, we caught up with friends and it stayed sunny for us! The show team will next be in the ring on 25th May at the Bath canine society championship show.
Shows Attended and Results June 24
Three Counties Championship Show 6.6.24 Another super early start for the wonderful show team this morning, a long drive up to Malvern for the Three Counties Championship Show. The show was very well organised and Todd & Sybil enjoyed sharing a sausage bap for breakfast! Sybil was first in the ring and achieved a 3rd in Post Graduate, this means she is now CRUFTS QUALIFIED 2025!! She moved beautifully and I’m so proud of how much she has come on and how much she enjoys being in the ring. Todd was up next and achieved a 2nd in Post Graduate class and a 3rd in Open class. He was full of beans today and really enjoyed strutting his stuff around the ring! More wonderful results for our gorgeous standard stud boy!! Next show will be Windsor at the end of June!!!
Shows Attended and Results August 24
Bournemouth Canine Association Championship Show. 11/8/24 Today the show team travelled to Bournemouth, it was our first time visiting and it was a lovely day for it. The show itself was very well run and the judges and stewards did a fantastic job. Today we were accompanied by little Queenie who although is too young to compete at any shows yet, is still able to attend and take in the sights, sounds and sniffs. She also enjoyed our traditional ice cream treat after we’d finished our classes. Todd was first in the ring under judge Sue Seath, he earned a 3rd in Open dog and a 1st in special beginner dog. He then went on to win best special beginner in breed too! So unbelievably proud of how he performs at the shows. We sadly had a mix up when it came to Sybil’s classes and missed her first class, she was under judge Ian Seath and in her second class, Post graduate bitch, she earned herself a reserve. Her last class was Open bitch, where she didn’t place. Sybil has taken to showing naturally and thoroughly enjoys her time in the ring. We enjoyed our ice cream after the classes were finished and headed back to the sunny Isle of Wight.
Shows Attended & Results September 24
Richmond Championship Dog Show. 6/9/24 Today’s show took the show team to Losely park in Surrey. A location we know all too well as this is where we attend Dogfest every year (although this year it was sadly cancelled due to rain). We had some initial fun & games with trying to get off the island thanks to our unreliable ferry services but with some quick changes we managed to be on our way. The weather today was, to put it mildly, horrendous. We were originally going to bring along little Queenie for another show experience day before she’s old enough to compete herself but with the weather of torrential rain and thunderstorms we decided it best she stay at home with the pack in the warm & dry. We just about made it into the car park through the entrance of mud, and were lucky enough to make it to our bench location under the tents just before the heavens opened again. Todd was first in the ring under judge Enrique Maté Duran, and earned himself a reserve in Open Dog and then a 1st in Special beginner dog. He then went on to win best special beginner in breed, which saw him secure a place in the best special beginners in group line-up after all other judging had taken place. Sybil was in the ring after the Wire Haired Dachshunds had been judged, she earned herself a reserve in a big class for special beginner bitch, under judge Suzanne Crow. We then had a few hours to wait until all other breed judging had taken place to see Todd take the spotlight in the Best in Show ring for the Best special beginners in group. This was an absolute honour to show him in this ring, we were up against the best special beginner winners from 7 other hound breeds, including the wire-haired and miniature wire-haired dachshunds, the whippet, the beagle, the basenji, the basset hound and the Rhodesian Ridgeback. We were judged by Mr Gavin Robertson and were delighted when he awarded us Group 4. Todd well & truly brought his all to the show today and we are all super proud of him and how far he has come, he’s only been in the show rings for 9months. We had a little more fun leaving the show, getting stuck in the mud and needing a push, Charlotte’s car will need a visit to the car wash. Our team will now enjoy a rest for October before little Queenie makes her debut in the November shows.
Jaime Hall
Show Team